


Silicone Spray
Silicon Spray is good as a lubricant and works great as a protective coating. It is based on
silicones dissolved in chlorine-free solvents that allow the product to work its way through
the surfaces that it is applied on. The product contains a transparent and permanent
protective film that protects, insulates, and lubricates the surfaces. It is not only a sliding and
release agent, but also a preventative measure that cares and preserves the surfaces made
of plastic, metal, and rubber.

It does have good surface properties and makes for a durable separating film. The spray is
very much suitable for both indoors and outdoors. It has the resistance to temperature
extremes upto +250 °C. It also comes in handy while camping. One only has to use it over a
surface that allows tent poles and other such similars to get retracted with ease and quickly.
It is a really reliable method to prevent formation of adhesive residues. You only have to
spray over a surface where it is needed and half of your job is done. This is a product that
can also prevent the products from sticking to the conveyor belts, sliding ways and chutes.
The spray has the ability to save or prevent various materials such as rubber, plastic and
metal and their parts from becoming brittle, from sticking and freezing. This also allows the
seat tracks, sunroof rails, and even your seatbelt to run smoothly.

Whether it is a caravan on a mobile home, a vintage van or a log cabin, or maybe a tent, you
can always rely on a silicon spray to offer the assistance of its many varied features. In order
to do the job nicely and efficiently, it is important that you go ahead with a branded product
that does not disappoint.


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